Tagged: My Guitar Story


I play guitar after my children grew up (By H.S. Chang)

Hello  Host of I am Guitar Player .COM.

My guitar story

Since my two elder brothers began working in society, they have income, and they also like pop music, they share money bought a set of drums, so I have the opportunity to play, but cannot afford the study fees, so I do not have opportunity to learn how to play drum in music school. ...Read More


Learn guitar to make people happy (by Bob)

Why should I learn guitar?

Regarding learning musical instruments, why should I choose guitar? It is because personal preferences, no one asks me to learn guitar, nor my favorite idol plays guitar, just I want somethings new to my life, I think life needs a little change, but whether this new thing will bring new shocks to me or not, this is the words after the words. ...Read More


Story of My Guitar Learning (by Panda)

(Sorry, Chinese Version only)


我接觸有關音樂的東西斷斷續續已有8~9年的時間了,當中自學了結他和即興鋼琴,近年亦有出去跟老師學古典鋼琴及聲樂。 ...Read More

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