Tagged: 會員投稿


Talking my favorite song – Endless Rain (by Neil Ng)

My favorite song is ENDLESS RAIN, which is a song from a Japanese Band called X-Japan, which attracts me where the melody and musical arrangement of the song, and the song are brought out of the senses and moods, perhaps it is a source that makes me have interests to study and touch the musical instrument. ...Read More


Why no more popular singers from Hong Kong now (by miniskittles)

(Sorry, Chinese Version only)


近年香港的娛樂圈一直有一些半紅不黑的歌手出現,而且大多數都是紅了一小段時間後就慢慢不見,我個人認為這些半紅不黑的歌手會消失的這麼快的原因主要是因為他們根本就沒有實力,甚至有些只會賣弄自己的身材及外貌。此外,還有另外一個原因就是大部份香港市民都把焦點放在日韓台外國的歌手上,但這樣不是沒有原因的,主要是因為香港的新歌手根本很少可以比的上外國的歌手,以下我會就著以上所說的兩個原因再作簡短分析。 ...Read More

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