New Song Express: Kyle Joshua – So Many Reasons
Hello everybody, this is time to introduce new song again!
This time, we would like to introduce a singer from Boston, The United States of America, his name is Kyle Joshua. We would like to introduce one of his new songs , which is called “So Many Reasons”, this song features a happy catchy tune where Kyle raps about his mother being the most important person in his life, to counting his blessings.
We will listen now!
1. Music Video From YouTube:
2. If you cannot listen the video from YouTube, you can try it from Spotify:
Song Reviews
The melody and musical arrangement are nice, formulated a happy atmosphere, an interesting song. If you are looking for a new song, it is one of your good choices.
Introduction to the Musician
Kyle Joshua is a 24 year old artist from Boston Massachusetts who’s sound is described as a melodic flow over heavy hitting 808’s. His debut album “Gold Auras” is currently available on all major streaming services. His latest single “So Many Reasons” is said to be a cut off of his upcoming album which is yet to be announced, and features a happy catchy tune where Kyle raps about his mother being the most important person in his life, to counting his blessings. He is currently in Los Angeles working on his next album.
If you also like this musician’s music piece, you can follow his page to further understand him.
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