Category: 音乐稿件


會員投稿:「朋友記得那天….」(by HL)


My Guitar Story + Why do I want to learn Guitar

My first encounter with Guitar happened twenty something years ago, and at that time I was a junior secondary school student. I joined a guitar class organized by my school, and I learnt a few basic chords and progessions. And at that time, we would learn songs like “朋友記得那天…” (Chinese Lyrics of the Song – Today ) and House of the rising son using a classical guitar. ...阅读全文


會員投稿:寫一位我很欣賞的歌手 – 黃家駒(By . man)

記得念初一的時候,有個復讀機,主要用來學習英語的,後來感到乏味就去買磁帶聽,在商場裡無意中看到“懷念黃家駒”的磁帶,那時候不知道他已經逝世了,甚至不知道到他長得怎樣,搖滾是什麼概念一竅不通,歌詞唱的是粵語又不懂,每天聽他的歌對著歌詞輕唱,之後越發不可收拾,我愛上了這種音樂,奔跑在理想與詩意的道上,漸漸懂得了那個年代的人們和背景。 ...阅读全文

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