标签: 吉他故事


学懂弹结他+成为网红就是我的梦想 (by Rita)

我依然记得那个令人难忘的日子,当我在刷抖音时,一段视频引起了我的注意。视频中,一个年轻人优雅地弹奏着吉他,他们的手指轻松地在琴弦上舞动,仿佛与乐器合为一体。在那一刻,他们的音乐触动了我的心灵,一种难以言喻的情感涌上心头,重新点燃了我的梦想。 (English) ...Read More


会员投稿:「朋友记得那天….」(by HL)


My Guitar Story + Why do I want to learn Guitar

My first encounter with Guitar happened twenty something years ago, and at that time I was a junior secondary school student. I joined a guitar class organized by my school, and I learnt a few basic chords and progessions. And at that time, we would learn songs like “朋友記得那天…” (Chinese Lyrics of the Song – Today ) and House of the rising son using a classical guitar. (English) ...Read More

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